Public Sector Auditing and Evolution of Governance Practices During and Post Emergency
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

The course “Public Sector Auditing and Evolution of Governance Practices During and Post Emergency” was developed by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation based on the Plenary Session of the First INTOSAI International Scientific and Practical Conference.
National governments and the international community have been under a serious stress-test during 2020. The immediate task now remains to ensure full recovery, which cannot be achieved without necessary adaptation of government institutions, policies and practices. While the international community helps countries build capable, efficient, open, inclusive, and accountable institutions, INTOSAI should also assist its members to keep up-to-date. More close and thorough collaboration between INTOSAI and other major international organizations is key to understanding the perspectives of future development and ensuring that SAIs at least remain relevant or even lead the transformation by their own example.
It is expected that after completing the course, participants will:
- be familiar with the activities of the international organizations, namely OECD, UNDP, the WB and International Budget Partnership, during and after pandemic;
- know the main features of the SAI’s ecosystem;
- be familiar with global trends to respond to future pandemics;
- be aware of the forecast of the international organizations on the changes, which are likely to be introduced in the work of governments.
- Anatoly Chubais, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Relations with International Organizations to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
- Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General (2006-2021)
- Joseph D’Cruz, Senior Adviser of Strategy and Planning of the United Nations Development Programme
- Edward Olowo-Okere, Director of the World Bank’s Governance Global Practice
- Claire Schouten, Senior Program Officer, International Advocacy of the International Budget Partnership
2The role of SAIs in Responding to the Pandemic. OECD Viewpoint.
3Transforming Systems and Structures to Respond to Covid-19 and the Future of Development
4Future of Government: Emerging Trends in Supreme Audit Institutions for the Post Pandemic World
5Harnessing the Power of Audits: The Role of SAIs in Improving Governance