Digital product development assistant
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The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation has prepared a training course on the topic “Digital product development assistant”.
You are in for:
- Formulation of product hypotheses and value propositions
- Study of potential users of the product (customer development)
- Prototype development in Figma
At the end of each lesson, you will be asked to do several exercises for each of the stages of product development (formulation of a hypothesis, product description, etc.).
Section 1. About the product line
1Lesson 1. Introduction. Digital product development assistant welcomes you!
2Lesson 2. The principle of the product approach
3Lesson 3. Briefly about each stage of the HADI cycle
4Lesson 4. Customer development
5Lesson 5. MVP
6Lesson 6. Stages of a digital product prototype development
7Lesson 7. Test
Section 2. About the product line
8Lesson 8. Introduction.
9Lesson 9. Hypothesis, TA and digital product description
10Lesson 10. Hypothesis construction scheme
11Lesson 11. SMART — the principle of hypothesis formation
12Lesson 12. How many hypotheses are needed?
13Lesson 13. Test
14Lesson 14. Defining the target audience (TA). User Story. Job Story.
15Lesson 15. Test
Section 3. Customer development
Section 4. Product Description
Section 5. Product prototype development
Section 6. Analytics of the finished product
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