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Guidelines for Conducting Cooperative Audits

SAI Peru
79 Students enrolled
1 review
  • Description
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Caratula ENG

The course “Guidelines for conducting Cooperative Audits” is a self-study course, aimed to guide and instruct the personnel of the supreme audit institutions (SAIs) in the practice of cooperative audits, as set out in GUID 9000. The course comprises four learning units that address the key issues related to cooperative audits conducted between two or more SAIs, from general aspects prior to the initiation of the audit, the beginning of the audit itself, the work sequence and the post-audit evaluation and cooperation.

The course was developed by the SAI of Peru in its role as the Chair od the CBC’s Subcommittee on Cooperative Audits, and most recently it was offered free of charge, from March 1st to April 3rd, in both English and Spanish in the platform of the SAI of Peru’s training center, the NAtional School for Control (Escuela Nacional de Control). 282 participants from SAIs across the globe participated in that edition of the course.

A new edition of the course will be offered in June, and you are all cordially invited to save the date.

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