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IMF invites everyone to take part in new distance learning courses on debt policy, analysis, forecasting and government revenue management, and other topics.

General terms of training: July 1 – August 12, 2021

Working language: English.

Participation in all online courses is free of charge, and there are no limits on the number of participants per country or agency. Completion of IMF online courses is considered in the selection process for advanced IMF training courses.

The list of courses can be found below.

Revenue Forecasting and Analysis (OL21.19, RFAx)

Date: July 1 – August 12, 2021 (6 weeks)

Total Estimated Workload: 25 – 35 hours

Application Deadline: June 24, 2021

Virtual Training to Advance Revenue Administration  (OL21.23, VITARA)

Date: July 1 – July 22, 2021 (3 weeks)

Total Estimated Workload: 3 – 5 hours

Application Deadline: July 11, 2021

Public Debt Dynamics under Uncertainty (OL21.16, DDUx)

Date: July 7 – July 28, 2021 (3 weeks)

Total Estimated Workload: 3 – 5 hours

Application Deadline: July 6, 2021

Also Keep checking IMF Digital Training Catalog, as new courses are added regularly.

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