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Digital University for the INTOSAI Community (U-INTOSAI)

Digital University for the INTOSAI Community (U-INTOSAI) is a project created on the initiative of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation as the INTOSAI Chair, aiming at responding to the need of the international audit community to consolidate the activities on capacity building of INTOSAI bodies and individual SAIs. The conceptual framework for the university creation was initially outlined at the 23rd INCOSAI in Moscow in September 2019 as one of the priorities of the Chairmanship of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation in the organization. After preliminary work with the key stakeholders in the field of INTOSAI capacity building, the project implementation was approved by the 74th INTOSAI Governing Board in November 2020.


This course provides guidance on the overarching climate change laws that governments can implement to establish bodies and frameworks for addressi...
2 h.
The interactive and practical course, “Introduction to Sustainable Finance Taxonomies”, provides listeners with an overview of sustainable finance ...
4 h.
The course features key information on climate change and its impacts on human health, provides an overview of the climate change negotiations so f...
3 h.
A self-paced e-course provides an overview of the interlinkages between gender, human rights, climate change, and renewable energy. It provides par...
6 h.
This course will help you better understand the linkages between gender and the environment. It will provide you with the knowledge and tools to ma...
6 h.
The ‘Developing Skills for Women Leadership in Climate Action’ online course was created to support women and girls to develop their le...
12 h.
The Institute for Professional Training and Capacity Development of Supreme Audit (ICADEFIS, Mexico) has developed a self-study course on “Ov...
4 Lessons
20 h.
Together Towards the Goal! Management Assistance to the Development of Innovativeness of Employees of Regional Audit Institutions: HR Perspective T...
7 Lessons
2 h.
15 min
ASOSAI Secretariat has developed a brief step-by-step instruction on how to use the ASOSAI portal. SAI China, Secretary General of ASOSAI, describe...
2 Lessons
15 min
24 h.
The course presents the main models of corporate liability, the key elements of corruption offences, and possible sanctions. It discusses important...
24 h.
This course focuses on whistleblowing and whistleblower protection systems developed at the national level, primarily covering employees of governm...
24 h.
In 2019, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Dispos...
3 h.
Guidelines and Best Practices
8 h.
The Institute for Professional Training and Capacity Development of Supreme Audit (ICADEFIS, Mexico) has developed a self-paced course “Gener...
3 Lessons
8 h.
The self-paces course aims to raise awareness about the vital role of access to information in promoting transparency, accountability and participa...
6 h.
The application of indicator methodologies often requires policymakers to make adjustments to their specific national contexts. Countries need to d...
2 h.
The course is designed to advance learning on green industrial policy at a high technical level and serves two types of users. First, the course pr...
30 h.
This tutorial introduces the concept of climate finance. In recent years the global community has come to an agreement that urgent climate action i...
45 min.
Management Skills
People move around the world for jobs more than ever before, no wonder finding yourself in a workplace with a different cultural context becomes qu...
8 Lessons
Management Skills
The course “Modern Management Concepts” is devoted to the systematization of the current state of the main theories and concepts of man...
36 Lessons
This course aims at teaching students the best practices of written and oral communication in a business environment. Lectures contain material tha...
25 Lessons
The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation created a course on the openness of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and the Government as a whole....
6 Lessons
41 min
Ready4Response aims to develop consistent learning standards across the emergency response workforce, equipping participants with essential compete...
5 h.
Ready4Response aims to develop consistent learning standards across the emergency response workforce, equipping participants with essential compete...
7 h.
Distinguished participant As a part of the process of certification of audit competence and in accordance with the provisions of the Procedure of r...
4 Lessons
20 hours
The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation has prepared a training course on the topic “Digital product development assistant”. You...
31 Lessons
2 h.
This course consists of a series of lectures. The aim is to support the implementation of anti-corruption compliance in companies, especially in sm...
1 h. 20 min.
This is a brief and basic introduction to cybercrime and electronic evidence aimed primarily at those criminal justice professionals who are not co...
6 h.
This course is a part of proactive efforts of UNOPS, in cooperation with IACA, to raise awareness on fraud and corruption in public procurement. It...
6 h.
7 h.
The online training “Managing Innovation” consists of seven modules designed to support individuals working with innovation. While it can be utiliz...
7 h.
The course helps to understand what climate change is, how it affects you and others, and what can be done to address it. The ultimate goal of the ...
8 h.
12 h.
The overall goal of the course is to familiarize learners with underlying market dynamics, policy design options and relevant terminology. While th...
12 h.


OECD 2025 Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum. “Harnessing Innovations to Break New Ground”

Date: March 26 – 27 Time: all day Format: hybrid (Paris, France and online) Agenda Registration Language: English, French OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum 2025 will focus on the […]

Find out more
26 March 2025

OECD-UNCTAD-UNCITRAL Investment Treaty Conference 2025. “Modernising Investment Treaties to Support the Sustainable Development Goals: New Approaches and Avenues for Reform”

Date: March 31 Time: 11.30 – 21.00 (UTC+3) Format: hybrid (Paris, France and online) Agenda Registration Language: English, French The 2025 Investment Treaty Conference, jointly organised by the OECD, UN […]

Find out more
31 March 2025


SAI Brazil Launched a New Program for Citizen Participation in Audit

SAI Brazil launched the Citizen Participation Reference aimed at fostering citizen engagement in auditing process. The document brings together theoretical, practical and legal information on how to encourage public involvement […]

Posted in: News,
Tags: Capacity Development, Management skills, Openness, Public Administration, SAI Brazil, повышение потенциала,
SAI Saudi Arabia Was Reelected to the ARABOSAI Presidency in 2025-2028

The General Assembly of the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI) unanimously endorsed the candidacy of H.E. Dr. Hussam Alangari and SAI Saudi Arabia as the new chairman of […]

Posted in: News,
Tags: ARABOSAI, SAI Saudi Arabia,
Invitation to Comment IDI’s Exposure Draft Playbook on the System of Audit Quality Management

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) presents to the audit community the Exposure Draft of “The System of Audit Quality Management” – a Playbook for Supreme Audit Institutions, which contains a […]

Posted in: News,
Tags: IDI,
AFROSAI-E Approved a New Strategic Plan for 2025-2029

The African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions of English-speaking countries (AFROSAI-E) has approved the new strategic plan for 2025-2029. The strategic plan is a roadmap designed to improve the efficiency […]

Posted in: News,
Tags: AFROSAI-E, Capacity Development, Regional Development,
PASAI Runs HR Championship Training Program

The Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) has launched a training program in human resource management (PASAI HR Championship). A recent study conducted by PASAI has found that many […]

Posted in: News,
Tags: HR, Management skills, PASAI, Regional Cooperation, SAI Tuvalu,
IDI Invites to Join the IT Strategy Development Programme Under the pICTure Initiative

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) invites to join the IT Strategy Development Programme under the pICTure initiative, an IT system for planning and managing organizational resources. The purpose of this […]

Posted in: News,
Tags: Digitalization, IDI, IT and Data Analytics,
SAI Angola Strengthens Cooperation with the Ministry of Healthcare

The SAI Angola held the first plenary session in 2025, during which it was agreed to develop the foundation for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry […]

Posted in: News,
Tags: Anti-corruption, Healthcare, Openness, SAI Angola,
ARABOSAI International Forum on SDGs was Held in Morocco

The General Secretariat of the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) and the ARABOSAI Committee on SDGs, organized an International Forum on best practices in monitoring and assessing the […]

Posted in: News,
Tags: ARABOSAI, Partnership, Regional Development, SAI Morocco, SDGs,
ARABOSAI Held Discussions on Issues Related to Monitoring Government Activities in Implementing Sustainable Development Goal 16

In December 2024, the Supreme Audit Institution of Oman hosted a seminar organized by the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI) on the role of SAIs in monitoring government […]

Posted in: News,
Tags: ARABOSAI, Regional Development, SAI Oman, SDGs,


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