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New African Professionalization Initiative is an online programme which is, problem-based, professional development learning offering, which targets SAI financial auditors and public finance officials who do not have a formal accountancy qualification.

The learning programme covers topics which are of increasing relevance to SAI financial auditors. These include a suite of financial reporting modules which take the learner from the basics of double entry accounting to a deep understanding of how financial statements are produced under IPSAS (cash and accrual basis) or IFRS. Other modules cover topics which among other include public financial management, performance management, ethics, public sector auditing.

The African Professionalization Initiative is planned to be launched by the end of June 2021. Everyone is able to purchase access to the programme for a nominal fee.

For more information please contact info@professionalisation.africa and visit the website where the launch of the accelerated learning programme will be announced later this month.

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