AFROSAI-E, in a collaborative effort with Control Risk (global risk and strategic consulting firm specializing in political, security and integrity risk), Financial Services Volunteer Corps, Good Governance Africa, and The Global Fund, hosted the annual Seminar for Supreme Audit Institutions and Anti-Corruption Agencies in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The Seminar theme was Conquering Corruption in Africa and aimed to create awareness and propose actions on how SAIs can contribute to state anti-corruption.
The theme of the Seminar was “The Role of SAIs and Institutionalised Good Governance in State Anti-corruption Efforts”. Participants from a diverse range of SAIs, Anti-Corruption Agencies and stakeholders from across the continent attended the event.
Key outcomes from the Seminar:
- AFROSAI-E is working on a research paper to add to the regional initiatives that seek to understand, fight and combat corruption.
- In collaboration with the GIZ Good Financial Governance programme and SAI Netherlands, AFROSAI-E launched an Anti-money Laundering Performance Audit with the SAIs of Kenya, Sierra Leone, Uganda, and Zambia participating.