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PESA-P envisions a critical mass of professional SAI auditors contributing to professional SAIs.

PESA-P aims to help SAIs nurture professional SAI Auditors following the Education, Assessment and Reflection framework (EAR).

The education part includes 70 hours of digitized education and about 30 hours of education through social learning, accessing other resources and working on an initial development portfolio. The achievement of curriculum objectives for the functional and the cross-cutting competencies will be assessed.

PESA-P also provides coaches, who will support the participating SAI auditors.

Each SAI Auditor participating in PESA-P will study seven papers:

  • 2 cross-cutting papers that cover learning outcomes related to reflecting on value and benefits of SAIs and demonstrating professional behavior in SAI context.
  • 5 functional papers related to the audit stream selected by the SAI auditor. The learning outcomes will include demonstration of deep knowledge and skills to carry out high quality audits in one of the 3 audit streams (Compliance Audit, Financial Audit or Performance Audit).

To find out more click here.

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