International Audit Meeting IMPACT 2023
- 10 May 2023
- Posted by: SAI Russia
- Category: News

An international meeting for the Pacific region auditors was host by SAI Australia in April and brought together more than 200 experts from SAIs of Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, Samoa, Vietnam, as well as representatives of leading private audit organizations and agencies.
The event was held under the auspices of the International Meeting of Performance Audit Critical Thinkers – IMPACT 2023.
The main topic of the meeting was the role of the “Auditor of the Future”. Participants reviewed the necessary skills of digital age auditors, as well as discussed cybersecurity issues and potential challenges for auditors in the era of artificial intelligence.
The discussion focused on the relationship between audit and legal regulation. In conclusion, the participants shared the opinion that audit services should constantly reform their activities in order to meet higher requirements.