Online-Course “Introduction to Corruption Prevention”
- 12 May 2022
- Posted by: SAI Russia
- Category: News

The Economic Crime and Cooperation Division of the Council of Europe (ECCD) in cooperation with the Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals Programme (HELP) and the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) launched the online course “Introduction to Corruption Prevention”.
Through the course students are engaged to explore quizzes and reflection exercises aimed at solving ethical dilemmas associated with the implementation of anti-corruption measures.
The target audience of the course includes both beginners in the field of corruption prevention and experienced professionals interested in bringing clarity to anti-corruption approaches and standards of the Council of Europe.
Working language is English. Duration – 6 hours.
The course is comprised of the introduction and following 13 modules:
- Meaning of corruption
- Corruption prevention tools
- Ethical principles and codes of conduct
- Conflict of interest and incompatibilities
- Post-employment restrictions
- Gifts and other benefits
- Asset declarations
- Free access to information
- Lobbying
- Political financing
- Whistleblowing
- Public procurement
- Auditing of public functions
To register for the course follow the link.