PASAI Launches Executive Leadership Training Customized to the Needs Of Pacific SAI Heads
- 12 August 2021
- Posted by: SAI Russia
- Category: News
An 18-month long leadership programme arranged by the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) for SAI Heads in the Pacific started August 4, 2021.
Thirty-two SAI Heads and established second-tier leaders identified as likely future SAI Heads (nine female, 23 male) will participate in the online leadership programme.
The goal of the programme is to empower SAI Heads to perform internal leadership responsibilities more effectively and to be more successful as leaders and influencers in their public financial management and public sector governance systems.
The programme will focus on:
- leading and establishing organisational culture
- people management
- organisational leadership
- managing and developing stakeholder relationships
- tackling challenges and maintaining a long-term view.
The programme will cover topics including building trust and influencing, strategic goals, performance monitoring, succession planning, managing conflict and negative publicity, responding to political change, gender equality, managing diversity and creating an inclusive culture.