SAI El Salvador Conducts Virtual Training on its Working Function

The Court of Accounts of the Republic of El Salvador (CCR) has recently conducted a special training “Reference Framework of the Functions of the CCR” for its personnel in order to familiarize them with the functions and activities of the Court.
The training was held virtually by the Research and Training Center (CINCAP) and engaged about 40 participants.
The training included such aspects as the constitutional foundation, the fiscal and jurisdictional functions of the Court, peculiarities of the state management and control, public debt management, as well as many other issues faced by the public auditors in their daily work.
🔗Con el fin que el personal de la administración pública conozca y aplique en la ejecución de sus funciones aspectos de la Ley de la Corte de Cuentas de la República, este día se imparte capacitación virtual sobre “Marco Referencial de las Funciones de la CCR”📖
— Corte de Cuentas (@CortedeCuentas) April 16, 2021