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The INTOSAI Development Initiatives holds an eLearning course on SPMR Implementation and Reporting. The event is taking place from 1 March to 22 April and counts with the participation of over 60 representatives from 10 ASOSAI members.

The advisors team consists of three IDI staff from the SAI Governance Department, one staff member from SAI Bhutan and a staff member from SAI Guam as in-kind support to the initiative.

The IDI-ASOSAI Strategy, Performance Measurement and Reporting Initiative was set up at the beginning of 2019. It aimed to support SAIs in order to better plan, monitor and manage their respective performance through all the states of the strategic management process.

It implies implementing a sound strategic and operational planning process within a SAI coupled with an effective monitoring and reporting framework.

The program centers upon the idea that SAIs should develop and maintain such a process that enables them to achieve strategic outcomes and deliver value and benefits to the citizens. Therefore, the overall primary purpose of the course is to support the participating SAIs in setting up a monitoring and reporting system which would enable them to monitor and control the implementation of their strategic plans and report on their performance.

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