IT and Data Analytics
The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) invites to join the IT Strategy Development Programme under the pICTure initiative, an IT system for planning and managing organizational resources. The purpose of this […]
The Inter-American Development Bank has published a study on citizen participation in audits through digital tools. The study examines 60 cases in the Latin American and Caribbean countries (OLACEFS). The selected examples are categorized according to […]
SAIs of Bulgaria and Romania held an online meeting during which a cooperation agreement was signed. The SAI of Romania agreed to help Bulgarian colleagues in the gradual introduction of […]
In January 2024, SAI Czech Republic held the fifth Hackathon, which was attended for the first time by students who won regional student tournaments. 50 students participated in the hackathon, […]
New information technologies to combat money laundering and terrorist financing are introduced in the activities of SAI Belarus. The purpose of the innovation is to build analytical systems and situational […]
The second project on joint interaction between inspectors and information technology specialists “Practice of Digital Transformation” has been launched in SAI Russia. The goal of the project is to jointly […]
The representative of the SAI Chile, Ms. Tiare Rivera, offers the supreme audit institutions a roadmap for implementing advanced data processing technologies using machine learning. She wrote an article in […]
In October 2023, the Federation Council held an off-site meeting “Using digitalization tools in preventing corruption violations and using artificial intelligence in the field of anti-corruption”. The event gathered more […]
SAI Philippines participated in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) App Challenge and took the honorable 3rd place. The App Challenge competition aims to introduce innovations in the process of economic […]
SAI Thailand implements Cross Learning International Program (CLIP). The CLIP program is an initiative of SAI Thailand to introduce innovations and expand the scope of international cooperation in the field […]