INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee Invites to Parliamentary Engagement Webinar
- 30 November 2021
- Posted by: SAI Russia
- Category: News
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On December 16, at 14:00 pm CET, welcome to join the webinar arranged by INTOSAI CBC Auditing in complex and challenging contexts (ACCC) on the theme “Working with Parliaments, in particular Public Accounts Committees”.
The webinar will explore the experience of the Supreme Audit Institutions of Kosovo and Tunisia. SAI representatives will talk about the mechanisms for working with parliament, as well as the challenges they face.
The event is intended primarily for the heads of the SAI and the senior staff, however, the organizers of the event will welcome all SAI staff who are interested.
The webinar will last 1.5 hours, including a short presentation, comments and questions from participants.