SAI Russia Develops Cooperation with the SAIs of African States
- 17 April 2023
- Posted by: SAI Russia
- Category: News

In March 2023 SAI Russia held the first online multilateral experience-sharing with the SAIs of the states of Africa dealing with “SAIs’ Role in Countering Corruption”.
Representatives of the SAIs of Algeria, Morocco and Senegal took part in the event.
The seminar was organized in preparation for the Russia – Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum that will take place in St. Petersburg on July 26-29. In the framework of the Forum, SAI Russia plans to hold a knowledge sharing round table on four topics: “Good Governance and Countering Corruption”, “Sustainable Development Audit: Challenges and Opportunities”, “Capacity Building of the Supreme and Regional Audit Institutions” and “Education and Tourism”.
Russian and African participants discussed the SAIs’ efforts to combat corruption in public administration and to prevent corruption offences within the SAIs.
Seminar participants agreed to continue sharing experience on anti-corruption and other issues of mutual interest.