SAI Russia Took Part in the Side-Event on SDGs on the Field of High-Level Political Forum
- 17 July 2023
- Posted by: SAI Russia
- Category: News

On July 12 a side event “Localization of the SDGs in Russia and Beyond: Lessons Learned at the Mid-Point on the Way to 2030” was held online.
Jointly with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Russian Mission to the UN, Regional Audit Institutions (RAIs) of the Russian regions, Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the UN Global Compact Russia, as well as the SAIs Thailand and Brazil, took part in the event.
SAI Russia as the head of the Secretariat of the INTOSAI Working group on SDGs and Key Sustainable Development Indicators told about WG activities on contributing to the SDGs achievement both nationally and within the international audit community.
SAI Russia also described SDG audit at the regional level, conducted in 2022-2023. The audit was conducted jointly with 11 RAIs of the Russian Federation. Representatives of 2 from 11 RAIs also took part in the event. RAIs of the Samara region and Moscow presented the results of the audit.
SAI Thailand shared the experience of the SDG audit in Thailand.
SAI Brazil, presented “Climate Scanner” initiative.
The parties noted the progress made in the implementation of the SDGs, and also discussed further ways of development, among which a special role is assigned to interdepartmental interaction, protection of the interests of the population, orientation to results.
The event was also attended by WGSDG KSDI members.
Video of the meeting is available by the following link.