Course: Moscow Declaration Provisions through SA...


Moscow Declaration Provisions through SAIs’ Perspective

1st Provision: Efficient transparent and informative accountability of the government for its outcomes


2nd Provision: Comprehensive approach to audit for attaining national goals and priorities


3rd Provision: Recommendations for the government on important strategic issues of public administration


4th Provision: Accessibility and openness of data the openness of source code and algorithms


7th Provision: Systemic risks in public administration


9th Provision: Inclusiveness


10th Provision: Collaboration with auditees and cooperation with the academia and the society as a whole

Video lesson

Experience of SAI Belarus

Mr. Vasily Gerasimov, Chairman of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus, speaks about the SAI’s experience and initiatives aimed at increasing the efficiency of control and supervisory activities in the Republic of Belarus.

The video covers how Belarus has created a system of control and supervision, which is flexible and non-burdensome for business and which allows auditors to focus on working with entities that pose the greatest risk from the point of view of ensuring financial, economic, social and environmental safety. ​


  • Mr. Vasily Gerasimov, Chairman of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus
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