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Moscow Declaration Provisions through SAIs’ Perspective

122 Students enrolled
3 reviews
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Plenary session for discussion and approval of Moscow Declaration

Moscow Declaration Provisions through SAIs’ Perspective

The U-INTOSAI pilot course presents the vision of the international audit community members on a variety of indispensable topics they deal with through the perspective of the Moscow Declaration (MD) Provisions. Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) share their knowledge, speak on challenges they face in the fulfillment of the MD and outline plans for the future. In this course you will find the existing practices of SAIs and the ways they address topical issues in such areas as:

  • development of a strategic approach to public auditing;
  • implementation of 2030 Agenda and achievement of the SDGs;
  • data analytics, digitalization and automation of the rapid processing of big data;
  • contribution to more effective, transparent and informative accountability;
  • promotion of inclusiveness of SAIs;
  • enhancement of professional skills of auditors, etc.

The key principle of the course is “Think Global, Act Local”, thus not only it gives a theoretical base, but also introduces real cases. Enjoy the videos!

1st Provision: Efficient transparent and informative accountability of the government for its outcomes
2nd Provision: Comprehensive approach to audit for attaining national goals and priorities
3rd Provision: Recommendations for the government on important strategic issues of public administration
4th Provision: Accessibility and openness of data the openness of source code and algorithms
7th Provision: Systemic risks in public administration
10th Provision: Collaboration with auditees and cooperation with the academia and the society as a whole
3 reviews
Stars 5
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Stars 1
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